Step-by-Step Printing Guide

printing guide

After reading this article, you’ll know how to create great prints on your home printer, with my step-by-step instructions. Use these instructions for making kids’ printable activities and getting a great print the first time. Including the best settings for printing on cardstock or thick paper.

Print at home on 8.5 x 11″ or A4 paper on a color printer. I recommend the free Adobe PDF reader for printing. Here are the steps I follow to print. Depending on your printer and PDF software, yours may vary.

  1. Open Printer Settings

    print file in adobe pdf

    Click Print in Adobe by either selecting the printer icon, or going to File > Print. You can also select Ctrl + P.

  2. Check Your Basic Settings

    In the Printer settings box that pops up, make sure you’re checking these settings:
    → Check to make sure you’ve selected your correct printer
    → Choose the pages you want to print
    → Make sure “Print in grayscale (black and white)” is NOT checked
    → Under Page Sizing & Handling, make sure “Actual Size” is selected

  3. Set Your Properties to Handle Cardstock

    cardstock printer settings

    Next, these settings are specific to my printer, so yours may be different, but this is how I print on cardstock paper. By using the ‘envelope’ setting, I’m allowing for the thickest paper type my printer allows.
    → Click printer “Properties”
    → Set Media Type to “Envelope”
    → Set Print Quality to High
    → Paper Source: I set mine to the Rear Cassette because this is where thick/specialty paper is used (yours may be different)
    → I click OK and it gives me a warning message that my paper size does not match my media (envelope) but I can click to Ignore.

  4. Print

    how to print with adobe at home

    Click Print and you’re done.

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I'm Stefanie—Founder & Designer For Little Moon

If you’re a toddler or preschooler parent who dreams of having a kid who is captivated by learning — but are too busy raising your tiny human on exactly 3 hours of sleep to research educational activities — nice to meet you, I’m your new solution.

I’m a cognitive psychologist + toddler mom, and I design nature printable activities to help your little one grow, learn and thrive through hands-on play, in a healthy way.

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